
Feeling down from time to time is a natural part of life, but when emotions such as hopelessness and despair take hold and just won’t go away, we may have depression. Depression is more than just sadness in response to life’s struggles and setbacks; it changes how we think, feel, and function in daily activities. It can interfere with our ability to work, study, eat, sleep, and enjoy life. Trying to get through the day can be overwhelming.
Depression is relatively common. In fact, depression is the leading cause of disability in the United States among people ages 15 – 44 (NIMH). There is a range of symptoms from feelings of anger to apathy or emptiness and hopelessness. Left untreated, depression can become a serious health condition. Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness are symptoms of depression and part of our perception, not the reality of our situation.
Depression is not just a feeling of sadness that can diminish over time, but a condition that can endure for weeks, months, or even years.

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Dain Kloner


14011 Ventura Blvd.
Suite 203A
Sherman Oaks, CA  91423

9201 Warren Pkwy
Suite 200
Frisco, TX  75035



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