Marital and Pre-Marital Counseling

Sometimes we might feel like we are talking in circles and having the same argument over and over again with our partner or spouse, wondering if we’re ever going to find a way to move past the disconnect. Sometimes we feel like we are walking on eggshells in our own home. Sometimes it may seem like we are working so hard to keep it all together only to feel like the relationship is falling apart. It doesn’t have to be this way. Bridging the gap between what we want and what got us here is the key.

Marriage & Couples Counseling can focus on communication styles and breakdown, trust issues such as affairs and infidelity, stress management, power struggles, agreement on parenting styles, financial stress, and conflict resolution.

At DK Therapy, sessions are designed to help recreate the happiness and intimacy that has been missing and put it back into the marriage and relationship. We all want to feel heard, understood, and appreciated. Find out how to start making positive changes in your relationship.

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Dain Kloner


14011 Ventura Blvd.
Suite 203A
Sherman Oaks, CA  91423

9201 Warren Pkwy
Suite 200
Frisco, TX  75035



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